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Template Library Version 1.4.1

Great library, I am using it in every projet. Thanks a lot.

I have a tiny request. I think you should change the way this library loads its config file
// Load the template config file and setup our master template and regions

if (isset($template))
  $this->config = $template;
I propose this :
$this->CI->config->load('template', TRUE);
if (is_array(or !empty)($this->CI->config->item('template')) {
  $this->config = $this->CI->config->item('template');
Using CI config loader gives us three good things :
* It logs the action (useful for debugging)
* It triggers an error if the file is not found
* It adds a value in $this->config->is_loaded array which is useful for other library built on your template library.

What do you think ?

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
Well, despite that syntax being whack, I will consider it. One of my goals for the next release--coming soon--is better logging and error handling, so this might fit right in.

I'm newbie, can anyone makes a simple example ( with the menu on the left .... ) to download
Thanks alot

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]

<div id="content">
&lt;?php print $content ?&gt;

<div id="sidebar">
&lt;?php print $sidebar ?&gt;


Controller code:
$this->template->write('content', 'Hello World!');
$this->template->write_view('sidebar', 'navigation');

hi, i just started using ci and template lib, got a question .. can i send a data/variable in the main template ?

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
Quote:"My template uses other variables that aren't necessarily regions. How do I supply those within Template?"

You most likely will use variables in your main template that aren't content regions. For example, you might have a $body_id variable that you apply to the &lt;body&gt; element that you use in your CSS to apply styles to specific pages. This certainly could be a region, but it wouldn't quite fit the metaphor.

To supply these variables to your master template, use CodeIgniter's $this->load->vars() mechanism.

I didn't spend time on a user guide for nothing! Smile

ooow, i miss that Tongue , thx

I've made a small adjustement to the add_js function:

I changed line 443 to
$filepath = strpos($script, 'http://') !== FALSE ? $script : base_url() . $script;

This allows me to easily link to external scripts, like google hosted jquery.


I extended the class so I could write meta data like this:
$this->template->add_meta('description', 'An example of a page description.');

so the meta tag would be written to the template via
echo $_meta;
I added this method to the class:

    * Dynamically include meta tags in the template
    * @param string $key meta name
    * @param string $value meta content
    * @return bool
   function add_meta($key, $val)
        $success = FALSE;
        $meta = '&lt;meta name="'.$key.'" content="'.$val.'" /&gt;';

        if(!in_array($meta, $this->meta))
           $this->meta[] = $meta;
           $this->write('_meta', $meta);
           $success = TRUE;

        return $success;


and these other changes:
// added this to the class properties
var $regions = array(
  '_scripts' => array(),
  '_styles' => array(),
  '_meta' => array(),
var $meta = array();

// changed the array in template->set_regions() to
$this->regions = array(
  '_scripts' => array(),
  '_styles' => array(),
  '_meta' => array(),
I haven't trawled properly through the class so I'm not sure if all the above code is necessary.

If you have suggestions to improve this code please let me know.


I'm running PHP 5.3 and CI 1.7.2 with only the Template library installed. No matter what I put in the Template config file I keep getting the error "Your template.php file does not appear to contain a valid configuration array." I've tried just using the example regions in the template file without luck. Does anyone have any suggestions on what might be wrong?


I was trying to autoload the library. Once I loaded it in the controller it worked.

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