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DB inside Library

Is there a way I can get the DB connection into a library? The idea is to load a "startup" library when the system finishes loading, this includes making db queries and adding the values to the config array. I can't seem to figure out how to get the connection into the library. Is there any way to make this work? Or do you have a similar idea that I can accomplish the same thing?

Thanks in advance!

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
$this->ci =& get_instance()


Thanks, that worked out great!

I was doing something very similar when I came across this post and though I would add my own 2 cents.

Adding in the instance of the CI object this way, makes all that CI nonsense spit out when you print_r, or var_dump the library object. I find this to be mildly annoying, and so I've decided to instantiate the CI object inside each method:
function load_assets()
    $ci=& get_instance();

After seeing this post however, I'm wondering about performance. I could deal with the annoyance of having the extra info in the object, if there were a performance boost to doing it that way.

Anyone out there so good in CI that they can explain to me the performance benefits of using one method over the other?


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