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Create a database for keys only? The Perfect Database?


at the moment I have 3 mysql tables:

project table:

project_id (primary key, auto increment)
project_text (text field)

task table:

task_id (primary key, auto increment)
project_id (foreign key, if the task is part of a project)
task_text (text field)

protocoll table:

ptc_id (primary key, auto increment)
ptc_text (text field for protocoll)

With that I can create projects with added tasks or tasks on their own and protocolls on their own without any connections to tasks or projects. That should change

Now what I want to achieve:
- I want to connect the protocolls with the tasks and the projects, so a task or a project can have a own protocoll which is related to them


- I want to build a fourth table only for the keys so the seperated parts (project, tasks, protocoll) don´t know anything about the other ones. So no more foreign keys in protocoll table.


key table:

- project_id
- task_id
- ptc_id

Is that possible and how? Do I have to leave the keys out of the other tables then?

Greetings Sebastian :-)

If you leave the keys out of the other tables, then you can't join them to get useful information Smile

Why don't you want foreign keys?

Because later I may want to add more components to the situation and in that way they shouldnt be related/bound to each other directly.

So the planned key table in detail:

dummy_id = int(11) primary key auto increment
project_id = int(11)
task_id = int(11)
ptc_id = int(11)

Also I created a new model for it key_model.php

Ok, but now how do I manage to have my create form writing in it´s "own" table (for example: project table , create a new project) and in my new key table at the same time?

Greetings Sebastian

[eluser]Jamie Rumbelow[/eluser]
Well, then just have one tablke with all the keys linking to eachother, then use a JOIN method to run the query and get the info Smile

Inside the insert function for the model, load the "key" model and insert the row appropriately.

Ok Im kind of confused, at the moment my project model looks like this:

function __construct()
        parent::Model( 'project_entries' );



            'project_id'        => '',
            'project_text'      => '',
        $this->itemss = array(

My key model like this:

function __construct()
        parent::Model( 'key_table' );



            'dummy_id'        => '', //Primary key,auto increment
            'project_id'      => '',
            'task_id'         => '',
            'ptc_id'          => '',
        $this->itemss = array(

What do you mean now should I do? JOIN?


Also, consider when you create a project with 2 tasks

1. Create project: create a row in the key table:

2. Create task: create a row in the key table ???

no...you'd ad it to the existing project
1 | 1 | NULL

3. Create another task (this time you create a row):
1 | 1 | NULL
1 | 2 | NULL

So you have to have extra logic in each model (and possibly extra queries).

so now I am able to send values to my both tables

1. protocoll_table

pid int(11)(primary key) auto incr
protocoll name text

2. key_table

pid int(11)(primary key) auto incr
project_id int(11)

now when I send data via my create form I can chose wheter or not I want to bind the protocoll I´m creating to a project (project_id =1,2,3) or not (project_id =0)

But now how do I display the protocoll by project_id?

simply load up the two corresponding models and do a

Greetings Sebastian

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