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Adding params to the pagination links .. or Sorting AND Pagination

So I am using the JavaScript method for sorting, so I have a table of data, User clicks on a column header and a JS sends the field name to a POST form. In the Model, if it sees 'sort' in input->post then it adds a ORDER BY clause to the query.

However, let's say user clicks "Organization" so they want the table to sort on Org., then they click Page 2 in the pagination links. They lose the sort because it's not passed in the pagination link. Is there anyway to tack params onto the pagination links so that I can tack on something like /sort/organization ?

thanks in advance

Or does anyone have a better method of sorting and at the same time maintaining the pagination?

nudge - as I think this could help others asking the same kinds of things

I don't know how much data you table contains but maybe it's better to use a tablesorter in javascript that does the paginating?

Another option is to use a cookie instead of a post to save the user defined sorting. Before you request the page you set the cookie values and you retrieve them in php for the db query.

I'm not using JS for my sorting, but here's how I pass the sort params to the pagination links. In this example I'm sorting twice. First by body_style, and then by price, make, or model. Not sure if there is a better way, it's just how I've done it in the past.
function overview()
        $body_style = $this->uri->segment(3,'all');
        $sort = $this->uri->segment(4,'make');
        $page = $this->uri->segment(5,0);
        $number_per_page = 10;    

        $config['base_url'] = BASE_URL.'/inventory/overview/'.$body_style.'/'.$sort.'/';
        $config['total_rows'] = $this->inventory_model->count_inventory($body_style);
        $config['per_page'] = $number_per_page;
        $config['uri_segment'] = 5;
        $data = array(
            'title' => SITE_NAME.' Inventory',
            'pathway' => '<li class="path"><span>Vehicle Inventory</span></li>',
            'content_view'  => 'inventory/overview',
            'content_data'  => array(
                'vehicle' => $this->inventory_model->get_inventory($page,$number_per_page,$body_style,$sort),
                'body_style' => $body_style
        $this->load->view('template/template', $data);    

You can see it online at http://www.westtnmotors.com/index.php/in...all/price/

Ah thanks xwero, I shoulda thought to use a cookie. Even nicer if user has javascript disabled. thanks

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