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Route to match all but a string

Hi guys, I'm new in CI, now re-coding my old fashioned mysql-php-html-together coding style with a MVC framework Smile

So far very good, but I have the following situation:

My site url's are like this


Each of them routes to a different controller/method (I have categories and products controllers). This is so far working good:

$route['^products/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = "products/detail/$1/$2/$3";
$route['^products/(:any)/(:any)'] = "products/list_products/$1/$2";
$route['^products/(:any)'] = "categories/list_subcategories/$1";
$route['^products/?$'] = "categories";

The problem arises when I have a different method inside the products, for instance:


It fail because it matches my third route, and forwards to categories controller.

I have tried this as a replacement for my third route with no success (I get 404 error):

$route['^products/(?!upload_image)'] = "categories/list_subcategories/$1";

Do you guys can show a better (and working) way to do this job? Is there a way to debug the routing process so I can understand what's the problem?

Thanks a lot in advance,

César Enique


Make sure to place the most specific routes closest to the top. So your upload_image rule comes before the (:any) rules.

Secondly, I don't know if this is an option or not, but could you change your url pattern to target the method more specifically? like


Then you can evaluate the nicks as parameters to the view method and dispatch from there...


Thanks Mirage for your answer.

Actually I can't change the URL for products because we need to migrate the site using the same as the old ones..of course we can use admin/products/upload_image to solve it, or have a more specific rule that matches exactly /products/upload_image..

So, the point here is to understand why the regular [removed]?!upload_image) doesn't work in this case, and if there is a way to debug the routes..

Thanks again for your advice!

César Enrique

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
have you tried a better regex? like [^upload_image]

[quote author="Colin Williams" date="1222238666"]have you tried a better regex? like [^upload_image][/quote]

the []-qoutes are for character classes, so [^upload_image] won't match any chars
that are contained in upload_image.

I'm not shure, but I think "?!"-assertions are non capturing, maybe that can
cause problems.


[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
Assertions are indeed non-capturing.

Thanks a lot guys for your answers. I'm not exactly sure about what non-capturing means. Is it that I cannot use $1 when there is a match?

I was trying to do use this example:


So far I have been using one more specific route and it works, but I have to add one route per each new method in the products controller. Just finding a way to do it better

Thanks again for your help..

[quote author="cdsuze" date="1222362547"]Is it that I cannot use $1 when there is a match?[/quote]

exactly Wink

$0 only works because the "matches"-array which is returned from preg_match
contains the complete matched string at its first index (0).


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