[eluser]Pascal Kriete[/eluser]
Quote:I dont have or know what CodeIgniter is.
Hate to be rude, but why post this question here then?
Also, you're being very unspecific about what you changed - it makes replication very difficult (searching for 'apache default file' is useless - for obvious reasons).
For apache to run both encrypted and non-encrypted versions it needs to bind to both ports (443 and 80 respectively). Most of the time you'll do that using virtual hosts. Once that is set up you can force your (ugly) url to use port 80 with a rewrite rule such as this:
RewriteRule "^/cks\.php[?](.*)" "http://%{HTTP_HOST}$1" [R=301,L]
Hope that helped a little bit.
Apache has a mailing list, and there are plenty of apache related forums out there. Those can probably cater to your specific needs better than I can.
Welcome to the CodeIgniter forums.