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Help: multi-user blog?

Hi all!

I'm a total newbie, that started playing around with CodeIgniter by building the 20 min blog, with no former php knowledge except a little Wordpress modifying. After reading the docs and forum i have managed to add categories, timestamp, delete and edit posts, comment count and so on.

Now i want to try to make it possible to manage multiple blogs, so that a user can sign up, and a "new" blog is created under user.domain.com or domain.com/user, and keeping everything in one DB and one CI install, like Wordpress MU or Movable Type.

But i really don't know were to start, so i would really appreciate any pointers, links, forum posts or anything that can help me accomplish this kind of thing.


Hi iDenta

Not sure if this is 100% what your looking for but if your looking to build this type of application with little or no php knowledge I'd jusmp over to Codigniter Directory and have a look at the blogging systems people have already constructed with Codigniter as a starting point.

I'd also recommend giving yourself a crash course on the basics of php over at w3schools.

Hope this helps.

You can start with Inktype blogging system which is made in CI.

yea mine is in beta stage ..

Thank you all for your replys!

Maybe my explanation of what i wanted was a little hard to understand (english isn't my first language) Smile

I was basicly looking for any information (or code snippets Wink ) that could take me in the right direction to adding multi-site support, like how i should set up my database and tables, how to get every usersite(blog) in a subfolder/subdomain and so on...

But i will take a look at the Codigniter Directory, and see if i can find an application that has the functionality that i'm looking for.

Thanks again.

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