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[SOLVED]How to make a conditional insert in multiple tables?

I want to make a conditional insert in multiple tables.
My tables are:
WINES: id, name, year.
WINE_COMMENTS: id, user_id, wine_id, rating.
and some user tables from Freak Auth

Then, my form asks for a wine name, a wine year, a rating and it has a hidden field with the logged user.

If the wine name is not in the database, the controller needs to
-add a wine: id (incremental), name (from the form), year (from form)
-add a comment: id (incremental), user_id (form), wine_id (recent added wine.id), rating(form).

If the wine name is in the database, the controller needs just to
-add a comment: id (incremental), user_id (form), wine_id (recent result wine.id), rating(form).

This is my form
<?=form_open('wine/comment_insert');    ?>
<?=form_hidden('user_id', getUserProperty('id')); ?>
<p>name&lt;input type='text' name='name'/&gt;&lt;/p>
<p>rating&lt;input type='text' name='year'/&gt;&lt;/p>
<p>year&lt;input type='text' name='rating'/&gt;&lt;/p>
<p>&lt;input type="submit" value="Submit Comment"&gt;&lt;/p>

function comment_insert()
        //check if the wine is in database
        $this->db->where('name', $name);
        $data['query']= $this->db->get();
        if ($query->num_rows() > 0) //if it was found in wines.names
            //add new comment
            insert (wine_comments.user_id)    
            insert (wine_comments.rating)
            insert (wine_comments.wine_id)
        else    //if it wasnt found in wines.names
            //add new wine
            insert (wines.name)        
            insert (wines.year)
            //add new comment
            insert (wine_comments.user_id)    
            insert (wine_comments.rating)
            insert (wine_comments.wine_id)

Please help me turning this pseudocode in the correct code.
I have made the Blog tutorial, but it doesn't help me with this multiple insert.


I guess :

if ($query->num_rows() > 0) //if it was found in wines.names
            $dbrow = $query->row_array();
            $wine_id = $dbrow['id'];
        else    //if it wasnt found in wines.names
            $wine_id = $this->db->insert_id();            
        //insert comment

oh, and welcome to CI !

Dready: thanks for your reply.
I tried your code as you can see below, but I only got a blank page. Any advice?

function comment_insert()
        //check if the wine is in database
        $this->db->where('name', $_POST['name']);
        $data['query']= $this->db->get();
        if ($query->num_rows() > 0) //if it was found in wines.name
            $dbrow = $query->row_array();
            $wine_id = $dbrow['id'];
        else    //if it wasnt found in wines.name
            $wine_id = $this->db->insert_id();            
        //insert comment

you have no view page defined. so for successful case it shall show a blank page. so first check database for correct data inserted successfully and then use
end of comment_insert() function.

Sumon: I have check the DB, but it doesn't insert data.
I have made tests, with a dummy boolean variable in the IF and then it works. Then I think there is something wrong between the begin of the function and the IF.
And yes, I don't have a success page, that will come later.

would you please try with
$this->db->where('name', '$_POST['name']');
EDIT: add this line before if condition and check the value is correct or not
echo $query->num_rows();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) //if it was found in wines.name
.......................other codes................

I have added the success page. It still doesn't work with the IF clause. Something must be wrong there because nothing in the if o else is executed
//check if the wine is in database
        $this->db->where('name', $_POST['name']);
        $data['query']= $this->db->get();
        if ($query->num_rows() > 0) //if it was found in wines.name

[quote author="Sumon" date="1223002306"]would you please try with
$this->db->where('name', '$_POST['name']');

I put the above line and now the page where the form should be is blank.

Then I tried with the next line with same result
$this->db->where('name', "$_POST['name']");

what about
echo $query->num_rows();

[quote author="Sumon" date="1223003201"]what about
echo $query->num_rows();

I did it. I got a blank page Sad

My current code is
function comment_insert()
        //check if the wine is in database
        $this->db->where('name', $thename);
        $data['query']= $this->db->get();
        echo $query->num_rows();
and still is a blank page, I'm not sure if the query is correct.
Thanks for your comments.

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