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Controller flow when processing forms

Hi all! Is there a standard way that form processing is implemented in CodeIgniter? Here are the high-level steps I have in mind:

1. Display empty form
2. Submit
A. If there are validation errors, redisplay the form with the errors.
B. If there are no validation errors, display a success page.

How would I set up my controller methods? Would I have one method to display the view and another method to process the view? (Or would both go in the same method?)

Btw, I already know the basics of CodeIgniter (including the validation library).


To put it simply without code:

1. Set validation rules and field names.
2. Check to see if the form validates.
3. If false (also the default), display the form w/ any errors.
4. If true, process the form then display a message, redirect the page, or whatever you want.

Here's default skeleton for a controller function that processes a form. I tend to post and get to the same action:

function contactus() {



        if ($this->validation->run()) {
                // Do stuff with the form data

                // Choose to redirect here or show the same form again





Thanks Aken & Mirage! That really cleared things up.

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