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Validation library/Helper form

I'm trying to do a contact form, and learning as I go Smile But I've hit a small issue :-

$rules['fname'] = "trim|required|min_length[5]|max_length[48]|xss_clean";
$rules['femail'] = "trim|required|valid_email";
$rules['fcomments'] = "trim|required|min_length[16]|max_length[1024]|xss_clean";

$this->validation->set_error_delimiters('<li>', '</li>');

# set data
$data["fname"] = "Name";
$data["femail"] = "E-mail address";
$data["fcomments"] = "Comments";

$data["fname"] = array('name' => 'fname', 'id' => 'fname', 'class' => ($this->validation->fname_error<>"") ? 'textbox error' : 'textbox', 'value' => $this->validation->fname);
$data["femail"] = array('name' => 'femail', 'id' => 'femail', 'class' => 'textbox', 'value' => $this->validation->femail);
$data["fcomments"]=array('name' => 'fcomments', 'rows' => 5, 'cols' => 80, 'value' => $this->validation->fcomments);

As you can see in $data[fname] I'm trying to set the class of the box depending on the bases of the validation (textbox) or (textbox error). But I can't work out how you validate, or check the validation of a single field? I'm doing it this way as my form uses the form_input($fname) rather than a basic html form.

Clues and inputs aer welcome Smile

Just thinking off the top of my head, but a quick function to see if the error exists and return the error class if it does might work?
function return_error_class($err_msg)
if ($err_msg != null)
return 'error';
return 'normal_class';

then just call it for each input you want to check?
not sure if that' what your looking, nor if it'll work....

($this->validation->fname_error<>"") ? 'textbox error' : 'textbox'

Should be the same thing really.

I think you need to run the validation before it will generate the error messages.

You need to call $this->validation->run() somewhere after this line


and before

data["fname"] = array('name' => 'fname', 'id' => 'fname', 'class' => ($this->validation->fname_error<>"") ? 'textbox error' : 'textbox', 'value' => $this->validation->fname);

Otherwise I don't think its generated the error message yet.

Thanks - but that is called before data["fname"] (Line before infact)

Sorry reading this on phone just isn't as good as on a computer...

you should be setting the form_helper data after the validation is run ie something like this:
$rules['fname'] = "trim|required|min_length[5]|max_length[48]|xss_clean";
    $rules['femail'] = "trim|required|valid_email";
    $rules['fcomments'] = "trim|required|min_length[16]|max_length[1024]|xss_clean";

    $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('<li>', '</li>');

    # set data
    $data["fname"] = "Name";
    $data["femail"] = "E-mail address";
    $data["fcomments"] = "Comments";

    if ($this->validation->run() == FALSE)
        $data["fname"] = array('name' => 'fname', 'id' => 'fname', 'class' => ($this->validation->fname_error<>"") ? 'textbox error' : 'textbox', 'value' => $this->validation->fname);
        $data["femail"] = array('name' => 'femail', 'id' => 'femail', 'class' => 'textbox', 'value' => $this->validation->femail);
        $data["fcomments"]=array('name' => 'fcomments', 'rows' => 5, 'cols' => 80, 'value' => $this->validation->fcomments);
        $this->load->view('form', $data);

Sometimes you can stare so hard at these things that you miss them Smile I wrongly read the set_fields to set validation and of course it is the validation! now all working as expected!

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