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Best way to add/edit a listing

My previous post's code continued:

// -------------------------------------------- Do validation
            // NOTE: For form validation, the CI helpers 'form', 'url' must be autoloaded
            // and the form_validation library must be autoloaded

            // Define validation rules:

            $this->form_validation->set_rules('ListingTitle', 'Title', 'trim|required|min_length[5]|max_length[75]|xss_clean|callback_my_ereg');
            $this->form_validation->set_rules('ListingCityTown', 'City/town', 'trim|required|min_length[5]|max_length[50]|xss_clean|callback_my_ereg');

            // Set custom validation error message delimiters:
            $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<font color="red">', '</font>');

            // ------------------------------------- Start of validation logic:
                    if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)  // If validation failed (is FALSE)
                            // ---------------------------------------------------- Load view
                            if ($Action == "Add")
                                    $template['title'] = "Add a listing";
                                    $template['bodytitle'] = "Add a listing";

                            if ($Action == "Edit")
                                    $template['title'] = "Edit listing";
                                    $template['bodytitle'] = "Edit listing";
                            //Pass variables to the view to populate form fields
                            $template['ListingTitle'] = $ListingTitle;
                            $template['ListingCityTown'] = $ListingCityTown;
                            // The action URL of the form MUST = the calling URL of the controller:
                            $ActionURI = "listing/index/".$ListingID."/";
                            $template['ActionURI'] = $ActionURI;

                            $template['bodyview'] = $this->load->view('listing/listing', $template, True);
                            $this->load->view('templates/template01', $template);

                    else // If validation passed

                            if ($Action == "Add")
                                    // Get the UserID from session:
                                    $UserID = $this->session->userdata('UserId');  // Session variable name is case SENSITIVE

                                    // Get the UserName from session:
                                    $UserName = $this->session->userdata('UserName');

                                    //The variables used to populate the form eg. $ListingTitle
                                    // will have current form info

                                    // Insert values into Listings table:
                                    $query = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO listings
                                                    (UserID, UserName, Title, CityTown)
                                                    VALUES( '$UserID','$UserName','$ListingTitle', '$ListingCityTown')
                            if ($Action == "Edit")
                                    $data = array(
                                           'Title' => $ListingTitle,
                                           'CityTown' => $ListingCityTown,

                                    $this->db->where('ListingID', $ListingID);
                                    $this->db->update('listings', $data);
                            // -------------------------- Load the MyListings view
                            $template['title'] = "My listings";
                            $template['bodyview'] = $this->load->view('mylistings/mylistings', NULL, True);
                            $this->load->view('templates/template01', $template);
                        } // End of else // If validation passed

        } // End of function index()

Hi Rick,

I dont know if you have seen this problem, but I got quite a strange one:

I have a controller called mylistings that does a search and shows a summary of a user's listings.
Each time I refresh it in my browser, a duplicate record is added to the user's listings.

If I comment out the insert MySQL statement in my OTHER controller, the listing controller discussed in the posts above, this problem does not occur.

Should I use redirect? Does this solve the problem?

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