Cross Join |
I have been having a problem with getting cross join to function properly in my project. I need to cross join three tables to produce display results. The model code is this: Code: function immChild() { This query should return on Code: id child immune immun_date id fname lname id name Instead it returns literally a thousand rows. Anyone know what the code should be to cross join three tables?
On your joins you need the condition as second parameter as described here As e.g. like this $this->db->join('children as b', ' = b.a_id');
When you JOIN a table without any condition, it will bring ALL the dataset within it.
Be careful, a CROSS JOIN returns all rows without filter (immun rows * immun_master rows * children). Agree with Rufnex.
You are absolutely right.
I forgot the condition. Now it works right. Code: function immChild() { |
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