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CI for medium size projects

[eluser]Rey Philip Regis[/eluser]
Hi guys,

Can you give me an advice, Im going to develop a medium size project, then I want to know if CI is good to use on medium size projects? I know its medium right now but eventually in the future it will get bigger. So is it advisable to code the project to CI or not? Cause Im also thinking of using CAKEPHP, but the problem is that CAKEPHP has strict rules on database tables and fields and my problem right now is that the tables and fields in our database are defined already. So I want to have your advice on this guys....

Good day......

Look at the projects listed under http://codeigniter.com/projects/
There are some pretty big ones among them. I say: go with CodeIgniter, it rocks!

I have now worked with CI for a week, not much - I know.
But, I have almost migrated/rewritten a new customer application to this framework and I can definitely recommend it for any PHP-project. The great thing is that logic and presentation is separated which lets you to focus on the application core and let all presentation be placed in separate views.

In all this has made my work so much simpler and I believe to be less errors in it.


We use CI on a rather large project( >6000 hours of coding) and it is very fast.
At the moment we have over 80 well used tables and by the end of the year there will be over 100 tables, all of wich are optimized (meaning just one address table for users, customers, employees etc.). Currently the application is used by approx 5000 users and it is running on a dual xeon with 4GB ram 64bit machine. The machine isn't even getting to 25% cpu or more then 2GB of memory.

If CI is setup properly aswell as the coding( go figure ) it will remain fast. Once you get to know al it's standard features coding time will dramatically decrease.

Go CI go! Tongue

[eluser]Rey Philip Regis[/eluser]
Hi rogierb and others,

That was good, well Im now starting the project using CI. Thanks for all your advice.

Good day.

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