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requested URL was not found

Well i have now tried that and to no effect. I have to say tho that just to be clear, it does load the index.php when i go to "http://milo.burnley.office.versatilia.com/stripped/". That main page does use part of the downloads controller so that must in fact all be working, but the problem happens when i click on a link that for example goes to "http://milo.burnley.office.versatilia.com/stripped/downloads/atozartist/A"

Its like its not actual trying to access the downloads controller but instead thinks that is actually suppost to be a directory. Which im guessing could be related to the htaccess file?

Anybody got any other ideas? ive basically wasted a day on this one problem now and im getting nowhere fast..

I have eventually found the problem, in the apache the config was telling it firstly not the use the .htaccess file and i hadnt noticed (first doh) and secondly for some odd reason my .htaccess file was ever so slightly but fundimentally different between my servers,

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(listing\.php|index\.php|png|assets|user_guide|css|js|images|gfx|files|forum|blog|scripts|robots\.txt|favicon\.ico)
RewriteRule ^(.*) /index.php?$1 {L]

should have been

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(listing\.php|index\.php|png|assets|user_guide|css|js|images|gfx|files|forum|blog|scripts|robots\.txt|favicon\.ico)
RewriteRule ^(.*) /index.php?$1 [L]

Yea thats right it was just a { where a [ should have been... time to go and cry at how much time ive wasted on that one problem.

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