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Why CI3 requires ucfirst-case names for all classes?

(03-04-2015, 08:25 PM)ciadmin Wrote: CodeIgniter does not conform to any PSR "spec" yet. That might be something adopted in an upcoming version.
In the meantime, we have our own convention, which is used by the class loader, for better or worse Undecided

Thank you for answer.
I know that CodeIgniter does not conform to any PSR. It was just for example of absence problem with filesystem.

If you know, could you tell me, please, why this convention was accepted only in CI3, but CI2 works excellently without it? Which problems does this convention solve?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why CI3 requires ucfirst-case names for all classes? - by Maximw - 03-05-2015, 08:12 AM

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