Ok, thanks. I appreciate your insight.
For me, I guess I'd like to error on the conservative side. I can still update without the where just by setting that property accordingly. Kind of like how you can switch protect identifiers on/off.
As it turns out just returning the empty string for sql works to kill that query, but doesn't work with transactions. An empty sql '' statement throws a debug message only, it won't set the transaction status to false, so the transaction still goes through.
That is unexpected or maybe a bug? I mean if it threw an error message with an invalid query I would think that would merit not committing the transaction, no?
circa line 244 of DB_driver.php
if ($sql == '')
if ($this->db_debug)
log_message('error', 'Invalid query: '.$sql);
return $this->display_error('db_invalid_query');
return FALSE;
// Run the Query
if (FALSE === ($this->result_id = $this->simple_query($sql)))
if ($this->save_queries == TRUE)
$this->query_times[] = 0;
// This will trigger a rollback if transactions are being used
$this->_trans_status = FALSE;
I think that first if block should set the transaction status to false.