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Open Blog 1.0.0 released

[eluser]Matthew Rochow[/eluser]
[quote author="ray73864" date="1239112251"]fckeditor has a much better image manager in it, i used to use TinyMCE but then got annoyed with how difficult it was to use and get to function how you want it to.[/quote]

From my experience FCKeditor was the same thing (have to upload elsewhere). I also had a ton of trouble with it constantly editing the HTML source, and it messing up forms.

Hi All, I here to ask for a little help....

I have just installed openblog 1.1.0, and have run into the same issue as was reported earlier by "Richard Mantha", but cannot seem to find a resolution to this posted.

I go through the steps correctly for install, and the after step 3 am redirected successfully to the new main page.
Unfortunately clicking on any links on that page results in an error page being displayed something to the effect of

"The requested URL /blog/category/sample-category was not found on this server."


"The requested URL /user/login was not found on this server."

I am running Apache2, MySQL and PHP5, and I have Gallery2 and several other web/db/php apps running without issue.

The only changes I made during the install, were that I changed the default "All tables begin with" section to rb_ and I unselected "Allow registration".

Any ideas?

Hello, does the the first page displays correctly (index.php) ?

If so, you are probably missing the .htaccess file or your web server doesn't have enabled mod_rewrite module (check this topic for more information about this problem).

Thanks Kami_,

There were 2 issues with the sytem, and both were easily enough fixed with your kind advice.

.htaccess was fine, but mod_rewrite was not enabled (Ubuntu did not enable by default).
This was easily remedied using “a2enmod rewrite”.

The second issue was that within the site file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ the AllowOverride setting was set to ‘None’
I changed this to ‘AllowOverride All’ and restarted apache using ‘apache2ctl restart’.

The other thread I used was http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-255556.html
All works fine now.

Thanks for your help, and apologies for my belabored response, but if anyone else has this issue I thought thorough documentation might help.

I'm glad you solved the problem Smile

I plan to write extensive documentation in wiki format after Open Blog 1.2.0 is released.

Among other things, it will contain frequently asked questions and solutions to problems like the one above.

I want to add the photo module

Hello, please check the previous page.

[quote author="Kami_" date="1239108135"]Image manger is definitely a must but I can’t promise it will be already available in the next release.

My current priority is finishing this release (Open Blog 1.2.0) and releasing it around May.

The next big priority after Open Blog 1.2.0 is the documentation (wiki), so some bigger features like image manager and plugins / widgets will be put on hold until the documentation is finished. [/quote]

[eluser]Mitja B.[/eluser]
Kami_ i look your code and looks very nice but i have one question. Why do you use

$handle = opendir(APPPATH . 'modules');

if ($handle)
while ( false !== ($module = readdir($handle)) )
if (substr($module, 0, 1) != ".")
if ( file_exists(APPPATH . 'modules/' . $module . '/' . $module . '_routes.php') )
include(APPPATH . 'modules/' . $module . '/' . $module . '_routes.php');


$route['blog/page/(:num)'] = 'blog/index/$1';
$route['post/(:any)'] = 'blog/post/$1';
$route['archive/(:any)'] = 'blog/archive/$1';
$route['category/(:any)'] = 'blog/category/$1';

Thx you


I use this piece of code so each module can have its own routing file named <module name>_routes.php.

It's no big deal, I could store all of the routing rules in one file, but in my opinion, storing them like this is better and more organized.

[eluser]Mitja B.[/eluser]
Hi, thx for your reply.

And what then this make

$route['pages/(:any)'] = 'pages/page/$1';

and why is (:any) in it.


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