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Benchmarking the speed of loops

I just rediscovered PDO and the default PHP mysql(i) classes and I started working with them again after having so much fun with the great Active Record classes CI provides. However, I have to use a while loop again as foreach doesn't work with all result types and such.

That got me thinking - just what is the difference between them? So, I just spend all afternoon til now (11pm) benchmarking and testing. So take a look at what I found. Despite lots of references online to foreach being faster than while - it isn't when you are dealing with multidimensional arrays/objects like database results.

All of these results are iterating over 1000 array elements with each element containing an array of 4 numbers (1 to 1000). So the array we are using is two levels deep with a total of 5000 items in the array.

I tried as best as I could to make sure that each iteration did NOT inherit or pass on values. However, I still do not trust the memory ratings completely.

The test was performed on PHP 5.2.8 on an XP Core2Quad. PHP4 will have different results for sure.

Just iterating over them and doing nothing with the values.
Memory    Time                 Array ID
584        0.26062202453613    foreach_n    
560        0.01010799407959    whilelist    
584        0.30483794212341    foreach_k    
888        0.29932808876038    foreach_r    
Peak Useage: 595824 bytes

Taking the array keys and values and placing it in another array
Memory     Time                 Array ID
63824      0.67118906974792    foreach_n    
464        0.010374784469604   whilelist    
528        0.5559618473053     foreach_k    
1984       1.1413900852203     foreach_r    
Peak Useage: 52736960 bytes

Added the for loop and went though every key => value and changed it to array('string', 'string)
Memory    Time                 Array ID
48840     1.2370409965515      foreach_n    
5312      0.022001028060913    whilelist    
768       1.2729561328888      foreach_k    
293264    1.169282913208       foreach_r    
464       0.0017411708831787   forloop_n    
Peak Useage: 891352 bytes

The "Array ID" is as follows:

foreach_n = foreach($object as $v1) {
foreach_k = foreach($object as $k3 => $v3) {
foreach_r = foreach($object as $k4 => &$v4) {
whilelist = while (list($k1,$v1) = each($object)) {
for       = $size = count($object); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { $v5 = $object[$i]; ...

So does anyone have anything to add to this? I never knew that while was so fast, let alone that for was blazing! And no, "it is too small a difference to mater" is not a valid answer.

Ok, I just spent most of today going back over everything and perfecting a benchmark class to make sure that scores are not affected by the possible human error factor. Here is a revised benchmark sheet based on what PHP sees.

Apparently, for loops are not as fast as I though.

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