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nice referral link

is there any chance to produce nice-looking referral link in CI?
I know I can have www.domain.com/controller/function/id but can I have something else?

I need to read idUser from that link, move it to $this->session->userdata, and finally use it when somebody is going to register.

[quote author="Dariusz-Gdynia" date="1236627731"]I know I can have www.domain.com/controller/function/id but can I have something else?[/quote]

You can do almost everything you want to (using routing / .htaccess etc.), but if you don't specify how it should look like it's hard to tell.

the shorter the better I think. So if it could be like www.domain.com/124 it would be great. But I have no idea how :/

Well then read the user guide about URI Rouing.

that works almost great Smile I have www.domain.com/recomend/124

As I presume the is no option for www.domain.com/124 ?

Try something like this:
$route['(:num)'] = "controller/method/$1";
This only works if the ids are numerical.

I actually had a requirement for this, except for the fact that it could be attached to ANY uri. Obviously i wasn't going to hard code this into every controller.

I used the pre_controller hook to handle this situation as well as cookies.

Pre Controller hook: (note: most of CI is not intiallized by this point, so we just have to do some good old fashion PHP'in here);

if (isset($_GET['refid'))
    setcookie('refid', $_GET['refid'], strtotime('3 months'), '', '/');
    // We have to unset the get variable so codeigniter doesn't freakout about it

Now anywhere in our application we can simply retrieve the cookie data as needed.

As well, any page can now be used as a referal page.




[quote author="pistolPete" date="1236630567"]Try something like this:
$route['(:num)'] = "controller/method/$1";
This only works if the ids are numerical.[/quote]
after that I tried www.domain.com/1 and it's not working...
404 Page Not Found
The page you requested was not found.

drewbee => the case is short URL, not retrieving id Smile

How does your route look like?

controller/method/$1 was just an example, you have to adjust it according to your controllers/methods.

yes, yes, I know that Smile

In my case it is
$route['recommend/(:num)'] = "welcome/index/$1";
$route['(:num)'] = "welcome/index/$1";

in first case it's working in second it doesn't, I tried even with slash $route['/(:num)'] and still nothing :/

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