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Include PHP code in variable pass to template, is it possible?


I've built a custom form that will display the fields based on a config file. Using CI's form validation I need to include
<?= $this->lang->line('.$key.') ?>
In a variable and have it be processed in the view. Presently CI is stripping the "<?". First is it possible, second any thoughts on a fix?
$templ[$key] = '    <div class="oneField">
<label for="'.$key.'" class="preField">&lt;?= $this->lang->line('.$key.') ?&gt;:</label>
&lt;input type="text" id="'.$key.'" value="" name="'.$key.'" class="required" &gt;
<span class="reqMark">'.$print.'</span></div><br />';

You aren't going to be able to pass code in a variable, but you shouldn't need to. Is there some reason I'm missing that is preventing you from sending the value that $this->lang->line produces instead of the code?

$templ[$key] = '    <div class="oneField">
<label for="'.$key.'" class="preField">'. $this->lang->line('.$key.') .':</label>
&lt;input type="text" id="'.$key.'" value="" name="'.$key.'" class="required" &gt;
<span class="reqMark">'.$print.'</span></div><br />';

Nope, you are absolutely correct. I was thinking to much! Smile

Thanks @kgill

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