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creating a library

I'm trying to create a library to load my feeds so i only have one lin in my controller (i'm using a template to to do most of the hard work). Before i had loaded a library which pulled the feeds, but i had to send the data to the view in every controller.

Is it possible to load the data and pass it to the cntroller so i would only have one line of code

here is the library thang i got....

class Feeds {

function get_feeds()

$CI =& get_instance();


$config = array(
'user' => 'username',
'num' => 5,
'rss_cache_path' => APPPATH.'cache/lastfm-rss-cache',
'cache_time' => 300 // 5 minutes




$config = array(
'type' => 'user',
'user' => 'username',
'num_items' => 8,
'rss_cache_path' => APPPATH.'cache/flickr-rss-cache',
'cache_time' => 3600,
'img_cache_path' => APPPATH.'cache/flickr-image-cache',
'img_cache_url' => $CI->config->item('base_url').'application/cache/flickr-image-cache',
'use_cache' => false,
'image_size' => 'square'



return $feeds;


can anyone enlighten me on how I can then pass this through the controller to the view? Or a better way of doing it?

Quote:can anyone enlighten me on how I can then pass this through the controller to the view?

Put the class into ./system/applicatio/libraries/feeds.php.
Load it in your controller:
$data['feeds'] = $this->feeds->get_feeds();
$this->load->view('view_file', $data);

But the library should actually return the data instead of the yet empty variable $feeds.

i had that before, however the $data was coming back empty so I thought i had takedn the wrong approach...

I have this in my feeds

$data['delicious'] = $CI->simplepie->get_items(0,5);


and the data of delicious is empty every time... I'm i missing something?

In the code you posted above you return an empty variable $feeds.
You need return the data your library just gathered, e.g.:
$data = array();
$data['lastfm'] = $CI->lastfm->get_latest();

$data['flickr'] = $CI->flickr->get_photos();
return $data;

No Digg stream? Wink


spot on Pete... simple. thanks

@Fenix... not much of a digger Wink

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