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error reporting: I can't get php errors to be logged

I'm testing out the error logging and error handling but with not so much success.

On my index.php I have:


And on my config.php I have:

$config['log_threshold'] = 4;

But with a broken controller, I get a blank page and nothing on my log-2009-05-03.php error log (well, only the usual DEBUG messages).

Broken controller:


class Home extends Controller {

    function index()
        echo "yargh, this be a broken controller --->"

If I change error_reporting to E_ALL, I get the PHP error displayed on the browser (and still nothing on the log file).

It seems I can't get CI to properly log the PHP errors or even use the application/errors/error_php.php file.

Any ideas?

If PHP fails with a parsing error (like your example above), script execution is aborted by the server, so CodeIgniter can't log anything.

Hmm makes sense, but then in which case the error_php.php page is used? And what about the "php errors" mentioned on the log_message() error level?

Error Messages. These are actual errors, such as PHP errors or user errors.

Warnings and notices will still be logged, and I think the error will be logged just before the script execution is halted, but I'm not sure.

Ok, will do some further tests on this later.

Thanks for the replies. Smile

I had similiar behavior, the log folder did not exist / was not writable

Well, it was not my case because I'm on Windows and the log file was being written (just not the PHP errors).

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