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Session is not creating

Can you please tell me clearly

Have you tried reading the user guide?

Yes.In user guide they mentioned like this:
Note: Cookies can only hold 4KB of data, so be careful not to exceed the capacity. The encryption process in particular produces a longer data string than the original so keep careful track of how much data you are storing.

I was refering to the database part (near the bottom)
It will store your userdata in a serialized string, so you have no limit on how much you can store

Any solution?

Yes, like I said... use the DB to store session data!!!
Or, you could just use native sessions, then you won't run out of space (at least not any time soon)

Can you give me any example please

Have you even read the user guide?
All you do is run the sql it gives you to create the table and set 2 values in the config file
Other then that, everything is as normal

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