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Why doesn't the file upload allowed_types work?

I'm allowing these types:

Nothing fancy going on there. Yet, I can't upload EPS files (they are denied), I can only upload SOME jpgs, some are denied. Is there something wrong with this class?

I found another post that "fixed" the situation for me by allowing ALL file types:


But I'm still not sure why some PDFs, all EPSs, some JPGs are not being accepted.

[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
You can probably check on this too...


[eluser]Bogdan Tanase[/eluser]
Most likely it has to do with the mime type. Each browser sends a different mime-type identification sometimes files of the same type are identified different. You need to edit the config/mimes.php file and add each type there.

IMHO better hack the library and disable the mime check;

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