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Anybody help this newbie......

Well I have installed php5 and apache in c:apache foundation....etc and php in c:\php
and copied test.php in htdocs. now when i say http://localhost/test.php i well see the config of php. it means that php is installed fine. I copied all the root folders of codeignitor in htdocs folder of apache like system,application etc... from the zip file.

Now I do not understand the purpose of codeignitor. my queries are as below:-

1. when i say http://localhost/index.php i receive error directory access is forbidden.
2. i cannot create .htaccess because i am working on windows xp.
3. i just don't know where to write the codeignitor code like 'this' command.
4. if i write the commands of codeignitor as it is, in the future if i have to load it over the server, will it work without the codeignitor files and libraries ?

Please help me atleast start with this application of codeignitor. i did not also find any getting started guide handy here. if you know any, please up the link here.

thanks in advance.

Firstly, I think an all in one package such as XAMPP is much more convenient and just works Smile

1. What are the folder permissions of htdocs?
2. You can create .htaccess on windows... Thats what I've done (what makes you think you can't?)
3. Have you looked at the video tutorials? They'll give you an idea of how and where you start, also read through the [URL:=http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/]user guide[/URL]
4. You will need the CodeIgniter core to run the application, as all the CI libraries do all the hard work when all you type is a few lines of code

Thanks Dear Dam1an for quick reply.

1. how to set folder permission in windows xp ?
2. i tried to type .htaccess by creating a new file but windows did not allow it. where to keep the file and how to create and what should be the contents of that file to start ?
3. what is the initial url to run to start codeignitor to get the control panel gui of codeignitor ?
4. copying libraries to my web host is ok and acceptable.

thank you once again for your so much quick reply. I am waiting....

1. Right click > properties? Even though I use windows, I still normally set folder permissions using the UNIX tool chmod
2. Hmm... do you by any chance not have explorer showing file extensions? Thats the only thing I can think of
You could create a file a.htaccess, put what you need in it, and then rename it from the command line
// My htaccess file
# Remove index.php from the URL
DirectoryIndex index.php
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|css|js|robots\.txt|favicon\.ico|license.txt)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ./index.php/$1 [L,QSA]

// to rename it from the command line, navigate to the correct directory using cd path/to/file and then do
rename a.htaccess .htaccess
3. Control panel? GUI? There isn't one in CI
You can browse to the site via http://localhost/ but that will show your site, not a gui control panel

thanks once again for your very fast reply.

1. well .htaccess was success by rename. i copied it to htdocs folder.
2. file permission is a problem still. i did right click > properties but it is showing sharing part i shared the folder in windows.
3. i see welcome to codeignitor when i type http://localhost/

what next ? how to develop a application. secondly, am i having everything at proper place now ?

thank you once again for your such strong support.

If you see the welcome page when you visit localhost, then you no longer have the (old) permissions issue, and seeing as you managed to extract CI into the web root, it would appear that you have write permissions, so I don't see any problems there

As for what next, try the video tutorials I linked to in my earlier post
Also read through the user guide

And there's a list of tutorials on the wiki
Fuzzy also has a list somewhere but I can;t find it (he'll hopefully pop in and give you the link)


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