[eluser]SSgt Dodger USMC[/eluser]
Hi slowgary!
I tried your suggestion about using the .bind command, but for the life of me I could not get that to work. No matter where I placed the event.preventDefault() the submit function would still execute the form action, and an entire page refresh. Here is the jQuery after my mods:
var current_form = $(this);
var id = $(this).attr("id").split("-"); // Split the id value at the hyphen, and grab the ticketnum.
var ticnum = id[1]; // Set the ticket number from the split value.
var ajax = true; // Set the ajax variable to true. This is to do ajax checking in the controller.
current_form.bind('submit', function(event){
event.preventDefault(); //prevents the form submission
// Check to see if the textarea is empty.
if($("#actionlogbox"+ticnum).val() == "")
{ // If empty, return nothing.
return false; // die!
{ // There is something typed in the textarea, and should be placed into the ticket.
$.post("http://localhost/test/index.php/ajaxtasks/actionLog", // This is the URL of the code you want to run when clicked.
updateText: $("#actionlogbox"+ticnum).val(), // Set the variable for the typed in text.
ticketNum: ticnum, // set the variable for the ticket number.
isajax: ajax // set the method to 'ajax'.
function(data) // this is what to run if the ajax update is successful.
$('#actionlog-'+ticnum).html(data); // update the screens info on the actionlog.
$("#actionlogbox"+ticnum).val(''); // empty the textarea.
return false; // stop the button from working normally.
} // End else
}); // End click function.
}); // End .each function
Just for clarity sake, my form consists of 4 dropdowns, a textarea (the one we are messing with here) and an update button. When I had the .click function defined earlier, a space-bar-tap on the button would produce the same results as the click. And I was unable to submit with the enter button since it was a text area.
I want this thing to be as best-practices as possible, and I agree that the form submit action is the better-designed option, but this doesn't work for me.
You have been very helpful slowgary, and I thank you again. Any further guidance is greatly appreciated!