[eluser]Johan André[/eluser]
This is how I do it. There might be better ways to do it though.
1. Create the repository
I use xp-dev.com which is free and it is by default non-public (unlike googlecode). Anything you might get your hands on will do I think. You can ofcourse create a local repository too, but I like to have a online one if my computer crashes...
2. Bring in the Codeigniter system directory
Add an external link to the Codeigniter repository (targeting the system-folder) and place it your repository root.
3. Create the application-directory
The can be done in various ways. I usually export the folder from the system-folder and place it in the root (next to the system-folder). The reason to do an export is because if you copy the folder the folder will still be under svn-control and there will be errors.
Add the exported directory to the repository. I usually name the application-folder "app".
4. Create the index.php file
I usually just copy the index.php from a downloaded copy of CI and add it to the repository. Don't forget to change the $application_folder to "../app" (or whatever you named your application directory.
5. Add an assets directory and subdirectories
I create the following structure to store javascript, images, css and stuff:
The cache is for storing combined js and css-files (I use the Carabiner-library).
I also set up the svn to ignore files in the cache-folder since you usually don't need to version-control them. You might also want to ignore directories that holds user-uploaded content to keep the svn clean.
The final structure will look like:
cache (contents ignored by svn)
system (via external, updated from CI-repo)
Hope this helps you. I setup almost all my projects using this method.
Good luck!