Thanks a lot
My personal best practices (you can take em or leave em =P):
_Write everything in camelCase when possible
_Always set up a main controller in the libraries directory, from which all your other controllers extends.
_Everything that can be output, make it a view. Eg: error messages.
_JS files in /js. Call them through a view.
_Always follow the same naming pattern, like getComments, getSomething. Wrong: findComments, fetchSomething, giveMeTheStuff.
_I can say the same about database tables and columns. If the primary key is the table's id, name it just id. If it has-a-thing, make a column named thingId, or thing_id. But stick to the one you choose.
_Try to make your methods for general purpose reusable when possible.
_Never hardcode. Make a custom config file and use it (it's clear in the userguide)
_Avoid using include/require. Only use it to add functionality to your codeigniter, but do it inside a library.
If something else comes to my mind ill write it later