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Easy project uploader (one click deploy)



There is an updated version which can be found here


I used to upload my projects using a textmate bundle. This was handy because it happened automatically but still needed some manual labour since some things couldn't be overwritten and had to be moved first. I made this tool for uploading parts of my development project to the live site. This project gives the possibility to super easy upload your project directory to a ftp directory fully automatic without copying unnecessary files therefor no need for cleaning up after Big Grin
Making this a one click deploy system.

function Welcome()
        $this->data['config']['hostname'] = 'ftp.yourhost.com';
        $this->data['config']['username'] = 'username';
        $this->data['config']['password'] = 'password';
        $this->data['config']['port']     = 21;
        $this->data['config']['passive']  = FALSE;
        // we want to continue on errors because creating directories usually makes trouble here
        $this->data['config']['debug']    = FALSE;
    function view()
        echo "<pre>\r\n";
        echo "</pre>\r\n";

    function transfer()
        // extended time out! for the bigger project :P
        set_time_limit (99999999);

        // needed for correctly creating directories!


        echo "trying: connect ".$this->data['config']['hostname']." as ".$this->data['config']['username'];
        if ($this->ftp->connect($this->data['config']))
            echo " - success<br/>\r\n";
            foreach ($files as $totransfer)
                echo "[".$i.'/'.$number."] ";
                // we want to see what is happening
                if (is_dir($this->data['local_dir'].$totransfer))
                    echo "trying: create directory ".$totransfer;
                    // if the following fails it is not a problem because it means the dir already exitsts
                    if ($this->ftp->mkdir($this->data['remote_dir'].$totransfer))
                        echo " - succes<br/>\r\n";
                        echo " - error<br/>\r\n";
                } else
                    echo "trying: upload file ".$totransfer;
                    // do the actual upload of the file
                    if ($this->ftp->upload($this->data['local_dir'].$totransfer, $this->data['remote_dir'].$totransfer))
                        echo " - succes<br/>\r\n";
                        echo " - error<br/>\r\n";
            //gracefully close!
            echo "done...<br/>\r\n";
        } else
            echo " - error<br/>\r\n";
    function get_dir_listing($path,$prefix='',$excludes=array(),$all_excludes=array())
        if ($handle = opendir($path))
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
                if (!in_array($file,$all_excludes) && !in_array($prefix.$file,$excludes))
                    if (is_dir($path.$file))
            return $result;
        } else
            return false;

How it works
1. You just set the configuration and excludes files. the all_excludes array will not transfer any file with that name.
2. Open your browser and go to welcome/transfer

With the view function you will see the files that will be uploaded

So... Is this ran on the localhost and uploads to the live server, or is it ran on the live server and downloads from a holding FTP server?

[quote author="Thomas Hunter" date="1251232092"]So... Is this ran on the localhost and uploads to the live server, or is it ran on the live server and downloads from a holding FTP server?[/quote]
Yes, this is ran from localhost and uploads to a live server

Sounds really kick ass to me!

Extended version (Part 1/2)
class Transfer extends Controller {

    function Transfer()
        $this->config->set_item('compress_output', FALSE); // make sure to disable this since we usually compres the output!
        $this->data = array();
        // basic configuration!
        $this->data['excludes'] = array(
                        'assets/', // we don't want to copy the assets every time
                        'application/controllers/transfer.php', // we don't want to copy this controller
        $this->data['prefix'] = array( // we will make sure a correct message is displayed first
                        array('src' => 'svr_maintenance.php', 'dest' => 'index.php'));
        $this->data['suffix'] = array( // restore the correct index.php for the sites!
                        array('src' => 'svr_index.php', 'dest' => 'index.php'));
        $this->data['all_excludes'] = array('.', '..', '.DS_Store');
        $this->data['local_dir'] = 'PATH_TO_LOCAL_DIR'; // we could also use the basedir in the case...
        $this->data['remote_dir'] = 'PATH_TO_REMOTE_DIR';
        $this->data['config'] = array();
        $this->data['config']['hostname'] = 'THE FTP HOST';
        $this->data['config']['username'] = 'THE FTP USER';
        $this->data['config']['password'] = 'THE FTP PASSWORD';
        $this->data['config']['port']     = 21;
        $this->data['config']['passive']  = FALSE;
        // we want to continue on errors because creating directories usually makes trouble here
        $this->data['config']['debug']    = FALSE;    
    function countlines()
        $path = $this->data['local_dir'].'application/'; // only get it from the application directory!
        $files = $this->get_dir_listing($path, '', array(), $this->data['all_excludes']);
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($files as $file)
            if (!is_dir($path . $file))
                $count+=$this->countfilelines($path . $file);
        echo $count . ' lines of code';
    function countfilelines($filepath)
        $handle = fopen( $filepath, "r" );
        $count = 0;
        while( fgets($handle) )
        return $count;

    function getfilesize()
        $files = $this->get_dir_listing($this->data['local_dir'], '', $this->data['excludes'], $this->data['all_excludes']);
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($files as $file)
            if (!is_dir($this->data['local_dir'] . $file))
                $count += filesize($this->data['local_dir'] . $file);
        echo round($count / 1024 / 1024,2) . ' size of files is in mb';

    function index()
        echo '<p><a href="' . base_url() . 'transfer/countlines">Count lines of code in app dir</a></p>';
        echo '<p><a href="' . base_url() . 'transfer/getfilesize">Get file size of code</a></p>';
        echo '<p><a href="' . base_url() . 'transfer/view">View files</a></p>';
        echo '<p><a href="' . base_url() . 'transfer/execute">Transfer files</a></p>';
    function view()
        $files = $this->get_dir_listing($this->data['local_dir'], '', $this->data['excludes'], $this->data['all_excludes']);
        echo "<pre>\r\n";
        print_r($files, FALSE);
        echo "</pre>\r\n";

Extended version part 2/2
function execute()
        // extended time out! for the bigger project :P
        set_time_limit (99999999);
        $files = $this->get_dir_listing($this->data['local_dir'], '', $this->data['excludes'], $this->data['all_excludes']);
        // needed for correctly creating directories!
        // add the prefix!
        $files = array_merge($this->data['prefix'], $files);
        // add the suffix!
        $files = array_merge($files, $this->data['suffix']);
        echo "trying: connect " . $this->data['config']['hostname'] . " as " . $this->data['config']['username'];
        if ($this->ftp->connect($this->data['config']))
            echo " - success<br/>\r\n";
            $number = count($files);
            // first copy
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($files as $totransfer)
                echo "[" . $i . '/' . $number . "] ";
                // we want to see what is happening
                if (!is_array($totransfer) && is_dir($this->data['local_dir'] . $totransfer))
                    echo "trying: create directory " . $totransfer;
                    // if the following fails it is not a problem because it means the dir already exitsts
                    if ($this->ftp->mkdir($this->data['remote_dir'] . $totransfer))
                        echo " - succes<br/>\r\n";
                        echo " - error<br/>\r\n";
                } else
                    if (is_array($totransfer))
                        $srcfile = $totransfer['src'];
                        $dstfile = $totransfer['dest'];
                        $srcfile = $totransfer;
                        $dstfile = $totransfer;
                        echo "trying: upload file " . $srcfile;
                    // do the actual upload of the file
                    if ($this->ftp->upload($this->data['local_dir'] . $srcfile, $this->data['remote_dir'] . $dstfile))
                        echo " - succes<br/>\r\n";
                        echo " - error<br/>\r\n";
            //gracefully close!
            echo "done...<br/>\r\n";
        } else
            echo " - error<br/>\r\n";
    function get_dir_listing($path,$prefix='',$excludes=array(),$all_excludes=array())
        $result = array();
        if ($handle = opendir($path))
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
                if (!in_array($file, $all_excludes) && !in_array($prefix.$file, $excludes))
                    if (is_dir($path . $file))
                        $result=array_merge($result, $this->get_dir_listing($path . $file . '/', $prefix . $file . '/', $excludes, $all_excludes));
                    $result[] = $prefix . $file;
            return $result;
        } else
            return false;

/* End of file transfer.php */
/* Location: ./application/controllers/transfer.php */

[eluser]louis w[/eluser]
This looks very cool. Thanks for sharing.

I have been tossing around an idea for a deploy-able service and this is a good start on how to get it out.

Awesome, beats doing it by hand! Thank you!

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