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Taco Class - The power of jQuery all wrapped up in a Codeigniter Library

I have the following problem and i would like your advice:

I use the class to load content into a top most div (like lightbox).
In Firefox and in Chrome everything works fine, but in Internet Explorer, the flash movie does not load. It seems that it does not read the movie parameter.
A demo can be seen here: http://www.topcut.tv/index.php/category/projects/8
Just click on any image box and a popup window will load. Try to repeat this with I.E.

Any thought would be great as i'm stacked with it for a while and cant figure what's wrong.


Sorry stathis,
I tried to duplicate your problem with IE7 and it worked fine.

What version of the dreaded IE are you running?

Strange. I'm using IE8, but this happens using a IE Tester's IE7 window.
I'll try to check it from other computers to see if this problem only occurs on my computer.
Thanks a lot!!

Not sure if this is browser specific, or Taco specific, but I found that my taconite response was not parsed if it had the following in the header:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Removing that from the end of Taco.php v.4.06 fixed all the oddities I was having with Taco + CI 1.7.1.

Now I can happily have my controllers serve up the proper response using the Taco library.

Hope this helps someone.


@thinkigniter, I think you have committed minor genius by porting Taconite to a CI library; it makes ajax/jQuery work a lot smoother and less manual - thanks for your help and keep up the good work Smile

Hi All

I have been using Taco today. some notes....

Firstly the documentaiton website is down. Does anyone still have these files - im more than happy to host (for free) on my servers for everyone.

Also, it is NOT compatible with the latest JQUery. Im now using 1.3.2 which works. Will try higher versions later on. is anyone clever enough to upgrade it?

It IS working with CI2.0.2 though, which is great news

Hopefully we can get the documenation updated and back online...


The lib is compatible up to Jquery 1.4.3

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