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access variable and method

// i can load a helper file by following code


//or in the autoload.php file by following code
    $autoload['helper'] = array('needed_variable');

// suppose $month is a array type variable and get_day() is a method
// exist in needed_variable_helper.php file which is written below:

    $month = array();
    $month["01"] = "January";
    $month["02"] = "February";
    $month["03"] = "March";
    $month["04"] = "April";
    $month["05"] = "May";
    $month["06"] = "June";
    $month["07"] = "July";
    $month["08"] = "August";
    $month["09"] = "September";
    $month["10"] = "October";
    $month["11"] = "November";
    $month["12"] = "December";

    function get_day()
                $day = array();
            $day[0] = "Monday";
        $day[1] = "Tuesday";
        $day[2] = "Wednesday";
        $day[3] = "Thursday";
        $day[4] = "Friday";
        $day[5] = "Saturday";
        $day[6] = "Sunday";
        $day[7] = "Daily";

        return $day;

// i access the get_day() function in a combo box in a view file
// holiday_tab.php like following way

<span>Day</span><br />
        <select name="day" id="day">
         <option value="all">Any</option>
        $day = get_day();
    foreach($day as $key => $value)
        <option value="&lt;?php echo $key;?&gt;">&lt;?php echo $value ;?&gt;</option>
         &lt;?php } ?&gt;

// how can i access $month in another combo box like above mentioned way
//my code is below which not working properly

<span>Month</span><br />
        <select name="month" id="month">
         <option value="all">Any</option>
        // what will be the code here.....................
    foreach($month as $key => $value)
        <option value="&lt;?php echo $key;?&gt;">&lt;?php echo $value ;?&gt;</option>
         &lt;?php } ?&gt;

// i cant set a function for the $month. Like get_month().
//Please help? thanx in advance

[quote author="ranjitbd" date="1253899345"]

i cant set a function for the $month. Like get_month().
Please help? thanx in advance


Why can't you make a function that returns your month array?

// a lot of variable is already declared and used in many applications. so its not possible //to change the needed_variable.php file.
// there is no way to access a variable from a helper file????????

Why not add a function to whatever file you have where you declare you month array and do something like this?
function get_month()
    return $month;

// i know very well that using a function i can access any variable. but i came to
// know that isn't it possible to acces a variable from a helper file without any
// function.

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