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4096 CI_DB_mysql_result could not be converted to string

ERROR: 4096
MESSAGE: 4096 CI_DB_mysql_result could not be converted to string
LINE = '**'

$varX = $this->input->post('param1', TRUE);
$varY = $this->input->post('param2', TRUE);
$varW = $this->functionA->getValue($varX);

**$varZ = $varW . $varY;          //line referenced in the error as the problem

$this->db->where('colX', $varX);
$this->db->where('colY', $varZ);
$query = $this->db->get('table1');

I'm sure there is a simple solution that I am missing here and after reading the:
..CI user guide
..php concatenation, etc...

I still haven't found the answer and I'm sure it has something to do with the variable reference or retrieval.

I'm new to CI, thanks for the help.

Please use code tags!

Since you didn't post functionA, I have to guess it's returning a database result object, which you just can't concatenate with a string to another string.

That is correct, the object returned from FUNCTION A is a database object. Based on your assessment, I made the changes below "Revised Code" and no longer getting the 4096. Thanks.

$this->db->where('varX', $varX);
$query = $this->db->get('table2');

if($query) {
  return $query;
  return FALSE;

$varX = $this->input->post('param1', TRUE);
$varY = $this->input->post('param2', TRUE);
$varW = $this->functionA->getValue($varX);

**$varZ = $varW->row('colW') . $varY;          //CHANGED

$this->db->where('colX', $varX);
$this->db->where('colY', $varZ);
$query = $this->db->get('table1');

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