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Facebook Connect with codeignitor

I think codeignitor might have some issues with Facebook connect.

For the life of me everytime i log in I am force to refresh the webpage inorder to see my Active connection with facebook (My profile Pic and my name).

I am open to suggestion I have a tight deadline and I am running out of ideas :-S


Looked into Elliot Haughin's Facebook Connect Library for CI?

Im using that script since last night loving it.

Just have a CACHEing issue as it relates to Fconnect and Codeignitor.


i logged in perfectly my page refresh but my profile isnt displayed

I refresh my page manually via the browser and it shows my profile

I loged out and my page is refreshed but its still showing my display

I refresh again then it clear my display but shows FB Empty profile pic

I refresh once more then it finally clear

Figure out the Caching issue?


Does Facebook connect, and this Library, allow me to create a function that will post content to a Facebook page? Let me elaborate, I am looking to build a function that allows me to post content to a Facebook page remotely.



The facebook connect library works great for logging in allowing users to use the application - but I've got an issue, even in the example that came with the library, where if I want to use any of the functions in the client class, it just kills the site, no error (error reporting is on and everything, I get errors for other things, like if I omit a required parameter from a method call).

In the example it came with, I uncommented the line $this->facebook_connect->client->events_get($data['user_id']); It breaks. White screen, no error. Not sure what it's doing, I might have to dig into the code of the library to figure it out (which sucks because I'm under the gun as it is).

Has anybody else run into this, or know what might be causing it?

Edit: I found out the reason I'm getting a blank screen. The call_method method is trying to throw an error, but the error isn't being displayed (not sure why). So for now, I'm just doing die($result['error_msg']); which at least gives me the error message. Turns out it's "Session key invalid or no longer valid". There are a number of fixes for this issue on Elliot's site, but I've tried them all and nothing's working. Any ideas?

Edit 2: Turns out I had missed a "fix" on Elliots comments area. Pjerky had the solution I was looking for and now everything seems to be working marvelously. Great library!


Hi Lads,

Just wondering about how ye are using this library?

Is this replacing the regular user create and login for your site? If so do you store some user information when they log in the first time i.e. photo name location email etc?

I was thinking of adding this to www.karaokeyoutube.met for ratings etc. so basically someone can login/facebook connect I record their information in the db and they then add a ratings etc that way when they log out I have their information stored on my own site.


garycocs: you can do that, but just know that you can't get the user's email (otherwise, email harvesters would have a field day).

In my application, I get the user's profile, see if they're a fan of a specific fan page, then store their facebook id, the id of the promotion they're viewing and the time.

In your case, you could do the same thing, have the user enter a rating, store their facebook id, rating, the id of the video (or whatever it is) they're rating, and the time they did it. Now you have everything you need to calculate the ratings for each video, or generate statistics, etc. Of course, you can store anything else you want from their profile, for whatever reason you might have.

Nice one for that, suppose that's an easy option and then maybe set up some kind of newsletter subscription service to accept any emails I might be interested in. What about extra options like posting to their page etc? i.e. if they rate a video to post to their page that they did and so on?

Just have a look at the facebook api in the facebook developer area. I only looked for what I needed it to do, but I'm sure there is plenty that you'll find useful for your application.

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