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[Deprecated] DMZ 1.6.2 (DataMapper OverZealous Edition)

No, I dont want a single generic message...I just need to change the error strings cause I need them in spanish.

Oh, then you simply need to load Spanish language files for CodeIgniter. The error messages for those rules are part of CodeIgniter (see system/language/english/form_validation_lang.php).

Edit: I should mention that I have no idea how or where to get them. But I assume you can safely install them into application/language.

You can find lang files at All CI Lang Files

You think if I put spanish lang file for 1.7.0 it will work in 1.7.2?

I can't speak for certain, but my last few updates of CodeIgniter have not included any language file changes.

If you are really concerned, just make sure every key from the English files is present in the Spanish files.

Say you have Users with email field with a rule validation that its unique.... how come when I want to update some fields for that object Im getting the rule error that that value already exists... it exists but for that same object so it shouldnt be a problem, right?

Nevermind. Fixed.

DMZ looks a nice ORM for CI and I am going to use it. But I have some questions in my mind after some documentation reading.
That is, why does DMZ require the use of an extra joining table even when there is just a one-to-many relationship between two tables? What's the problem with the traditional approach of having a foreign key in the table of 'many' and making it refer to the primary key in the table of 'one'?

We can hardly avoid having an extra joining table for an M:N relationship between two tables. But of course it can be avoided for a 1:N relationship. I believe there has to be some reasons behind this design in DMZ and I would love to know more about it. By the way, I would also like to know if this design affects database performance much.

Any thoughts on this are very welcome.

It doesnt require a join table... just for n to n relations

I just ran into a weird problem.
Im trying to store the user object in the session after logon.

But for some reason when I try to access its properties elsewhere in my app I get
Quote:Message: Trying to get property of non-object error

Yet, Im sure the object is created just fine and simply stored in the session.


I think you should describe situation in more details, i'm not Phill, but looks like he won't be able to help you.

Also, if you want to access users in dmz-style, like an object, you maybe should store only user id in session, and create user object in constructor of controller ancestor like i did here: WISDOOOM
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