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Codeigniter 2.0 - my solving of this problem

Hello! I'm working on "Codeigniter 2.0". Now, i successfully implemented UTF-8 support and removed PHP 4 compability. And i want to create Auth library and different libraries for working with web services like Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Bit.ly etc... Does everybody need this? Or, can you say what libraries you want to see in this package? Thank you.

You are working a on fork on CI1.7, not CI2.0 - and a fork that seems redundant in the face of Kohana

Maybe Smile I don't like Kohana's files structure. I didn't say fork of CI 2.0.

[quote author="Demedes" date="1261319767"]Maybe Smile I don't like Kohana's files structure. I didn't say fork of CI 2.0.[/quote]

You're not saying fork of CI 1.7, WE are. You can't just go around saying you're working on the next official version of CI. Just call it what it is.. a "hacked" fork of CI.

Ok, this is fork of CI 1.7.2! Do you feel better? Please, talk about the my question. What you want to see in this FORK?

Ok, glad we got that out of the way then. Smile

I voted for "I will wait for an official realese" so I cannot really comment on what I want, but I'll give you a reason for voting this way.

What happens when EllisLab releases their next version? Your and their version won't be compatible. And to be honest, I'll rather put all my "eggs" in the EllisLab basket rather than in yours. It's nothing personal it's just that to often you see a really nice project, only to be dead in the water 6 months later.

I want to build another ci fork, because i want to make my own cms. This is only reason.

That's cool. Just don't call it CodeIgniter, please. Other than that, go wild!

[eluser]Johan André[/eluser]
I voted "no" for a not successful idea.

The reason:

The community
Codeigniter has a strong community. You don't - yet.

The need
Codeigniter has almost everything I need. Sure, there are some bugs and wanted function but generally it never disapointed me.

The documentation
Codeigniter has great documentation, a Wiki and a great user forum with alot of contributors.

A question:
What besides dropping php4 support are priority features?

IMHO you should put your time in creating libraries for webservies and functions for the official releases...

[quote author="Ingmar Greil" date="1261328420"]That's cool. Just don't call it CodeIgniter, please. Other than that, go wild![/quote]
Thank you! Of course, I will not call it Codeigniter Smile
About PHP 4 compability: Who needs this? Today, all hosting providers have PHP 5 installed on their servers. Just say, if you need this compability, i will turn it back. This is not difficult.
About the last reply: Who knows? Maybe my fork will be better then ci? :-)

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