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looking for a certain library...


New to using Frameworks for PHP Applications, and I'd have to say, so far, I'm liking CodeIgniter.

One thing I see it is missing is a way to authorize users. What I'm looking for is something that has the following features:

* Allow users to login.
* allow users to register.
* Allow the enduser (me, for now) to control who can access or do what in each controller based on a 'level' field in the 'login' database.

For example: Say my account, 'me' is a level 99, The library should be able to see me as an 'administrator', and therefore, I should be able to access everything that the group 'Administrator' should be able to access based on the configuration of the library.

For example, there would be a config file similar to this one:

administrator => '99';
unauth => '1';
member => '0'

'guest' is a level -1 account, which means they are a Guest, they can only do things that a Guest account can do. A normal member is a level '0' account, and then there are different levels of access from 0 ~ 99.

Is there anything like this available?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
CodeIgniter offers a Session class and an Active Record class, so you can handle user authentication exactly how you want. If you want to look for something that closely matches what you need, check out the Wiki http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Category:Lib...ntication/

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