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Allow leading underscore in URL w/o method name

I am working on an app with a controller named User. I'd like to be able to call the index method of this controller without actually having index appear in the URL. So I construct the URL like this:


Then in my controller I add a _remap to manually send the correct param to the index method:

function _remap($method)
          if ($method!="index") {
          else {

This works fine except that usernames can start with underscore - so when you try to get to the profile page for a username such as "_monkeyman", codeigniter sends a 404 before it even reaches the _remap of the controller. Here is an example of a URL that fails:


Of course, adding index works:


...but I want to keep the URL clean. I know Codeigniter thinks I'm trying to access a reserved method because of the leading underscore, any ideas to workaround this? I was thinking routes perhaps but would I be able to keep the URL in the same format?

Thanks in advance

$route['user/(:any)'] = "user/index/$1";

I guess it's that what you need.

Thanks, that did the trick. Didn't think it would pass along the rest of the URL. Just a note in case anyone else has this issue, I had to remove the remap method to get the routing to work.

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