I think you are getting the wrong idea...
before I go on.... you are saying that your old links used to be index.php?page=this&that=theother
and based on the _GET you would include a file?
if so... did you ever get hacked? I had a friend do that a long time ago and his entire VPS got disconnected because of an XSS assualt.
So moving on... you aren't loading a page per se, you are loading a function, aka a controller.
As you know the controller takes in the data passed to it, sends whatever it needs to to the Model takes that data back, and then loads a view and passes the data to the view....
Now, what you probably didn't realize because it isn't really discussed in the userguide or most screen tuts is that just like most women can have more than one child... a controller can load more than one view.
The first view is called to generate the navigational menu and stored in the data array var that is then passed to the main view file; hence, your logic could go something along the lines of:
//excuse the code, its probably wrong, and I don't use the views as CI implements them.
$data[header] = $this->load->view("header.html",$someinfo,true); //this last part is to return the output
$data[footer] = $this->load->view("footer.html",$someOtherinfo,true);
Then in your main-template.html file you simply do with 'header' and 'footer' as you wish.