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Validation Callback Not Being Called

Hi all,
My callback function from validation rules isn't being called
The other validation rules for that field ARE being called -- (required|max_length[12]|alpha_dash)
but not my callback __check_login_name

Full code: $rules['login_name'] = "required|max_length[12]|alpha_dash|callback__check_login_name";


There's two underscores in callback__check_login_name. Did you name your callback function _check_login_name?


Strange. Have you tried renaming it to check_login_name and calling it via callback_check_login_name?

To check whether or not the callback was called you can log a debug message
log_message('debug', 'check_login_name was called')

yep. tried that too =/. It looks very similar to the examples...

Can you post your code, please?

are you using HMVC?

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