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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

[eluser]Lucas Alves[/eluser]
@jsherk ... To do this, you need to compare the session with the db, what will fall in the same question...


@Lucas ... I thought my answer was too obvious!

Look at UNIX Permissions hint


I am having an issue with changing user passwords,

Here is the snippet I'm using to do so:

$password = $this->input->post('password');
      $data = array(
                'password' => $password

I am getting this error:

A Database Error Occurred
You must use the "set" method to update an entry.

and when I print_r($data), I get this:

Array ( [password] => whateverpasswordItyped )

am I missing something? I thought there was a change_password function, but I couldn't find it in the docs.

[eluser]Lucas Alves[/eluser]
You could use the function change_password($identity, $old, $new)...

You just need to pass the identity from who you want to change the password, the old password and the new password...

figured as much.

I'm looking for more of an administrative password reset.

Should I just formulate it using hash_password() and manually update the database?

If there is a way to do it within the ion_auth framework I'd like to do that before I try and brute force it.

Did you look at the forgotten_password() and forgotten_password_completed() functions?

the password reset works the same for admins and regular members alike. the admin can use the regular members password reset form/functions. if you want a stand alone setup for the admin look at the template forms that come with ion auth.

I understand that, my purpose was to have it set up where the admin did not have to know the users password to reset it.

just follow how the users password reset is done and duplicate that for the admin.

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