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Storing datetime in MySQL and using it

I want to know how my CodeIgniter can store date and time in MySQL and how to use it. I've read this in the User Guide but I need information from people with experience in such matters.

-What should be my column data type be? datetime or something else.
-How can I send the current date and time in a MySQL field.
-How can I compare between two date and time fields, for example how many days, hours, etc was from one row from another.
-Tell me anything else that might be useful and worth knowing.

you column data type can be datetime if you are using this then you have to send datetime in mysql format like 2009-02-22 12:24:05 yy-mm-dd hh:mmConfuseds format, for your more problems you can use mysql date and time functions will really helpful for you to find out difference between dates


How about if I wanted to make use of the date helper of CodeIgniter?

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