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DMZ 1.7.1 (DataMapper OverZealous Edition)

Just name your model 'juser', and in that model set $this->table to 'users' make override the models table name.

[eluser]gowrav vishwakarma[/eluser]
Quote:Just name your model ‘juser’, and in that model set $this->table to ‘users’ make override the models table name.
its not that simple.. you have not noticed the relative field is UID not UID_id ... some how i have managed it to work now second problem .. and this can be helpful to other also

I have a table members, and the members can have another members as friends
its in another table stored as

id | members_id | friends_members_id |approved status

all good from one point "get all friends of member 87"
but the point is in this social application a member can be at members_id as he added a friend or he can be at friends_members_id as his friend added him. now how to get all friends of a member and even only those who are approved !!!

If you don't follow Datamapper's design guidelines, you're making it very difficult for yourself, and for us trying to support you.

Self relationships in a many-to-many relation are described in the manual.
class Member extends DataMapper {
    $has_many = array(
        'friend' => array(
            'class' => 'member',
            'other_field' => 'member'
        'member' => array(
            'other_field' => 'friend'

This will require a relationship table called 'members_members', in which you will have the columns 'id', 'member_id', 'friend_id', and 'approved_status'.

You can then get the list of John's approved friends by using
$member = new Member();
$member->friend->where_join_field($member->friend, 'approved_status', '1')->get();

[eluser]gowrav vishwakarma[/eluser]
heads off to you...

agreed i have to use guideline .. i am almost near what you said but major question

As per your said I can get all friends of John if he has its id in member_id and friends id in friend_id, what if any of his friend added him in his list then also he is Johns friend. can there be a simple workaround in Datamapper

since I am provided with database by my client this relation ship is in "jos_xshouts_members_has_friends" table with fields
id | member_id | friend_member_id
as per guideline I have gone to this ...
class Member extends DataMapper{
    var $table='users';
    var $has_many=array(
            'reciprocal' => TRUE,

but $m=new Member();
$m->friend_member->get() gives nothing, I have also tried $m->member->get() .. but same ..

Thanks for your time

Use check_last_query() to see the query produced, and try to deduct from there what is wrong.

[eluser]gowrav vishwakarma[/eluser]
I have read the validation rules but what If i want to save a fields value in encrypted format but it should be displayed in normal way.


$u=new User();
$u->Password='password';  // From validation rule I want it to encrypt

echo $u->Password; // Automatically decrypted from either same encrypt function (some way is needed to knwo weather we are getting or settting) or by another function for get time applicable

To encrypt on save, see the prepping example in the documentation, it uses encrypt() as an example.

To decrypt on retrieval, read the section in the manual about "Get Rules" (http://datamapper.wanwizard.eu/pages/getrules.html).


Im trying to use a group_by and a get_paged together, but when i use, the $object->paged->total_rows returns to me the total rows of the first group in the result.

$object->get_paged($start, $lines_page, true);

if the first row has 12 objects grouped and the result of the query has 2 rows, the $object->paged->total_rows returns to me 12 but the result should be 2. Am i doing something wrong?

Have you tested this with the latest version? DMZ 1.7.x is no longer officially supported.

If so, and it is still a problem, please create an ticket at https://bitbucket.org/wanwizard/datamapper/issues, describing the problem and linking back to your message here ( #857 in the titlebar on right gives you the correct link)?

[eluser]Dennis Rasmussen[/eluser]
This is just ridiculous...
Could someone explain to me what kind of method they would use to do such a simple thing (yet so complicated with Datamapper) as being able to create/edit a row in table_1 while creating/updating relations to table_2 with a many:many relation?

id - name

id - title

table_3 (join table)
id(1) - id(2)

So basically I'm having:
- A controller to handle the create/update behavior
- 2 models for the tables, both related to each other as many:many
- A view with a formula with name input for table_1 and a multiselect element having options from table_2

When I submit I'd like the following to happen:
- Create a new row in table_1
- Create rows in table_3 with relations between the new row in table_1 and the multiselected rows in table_2

All of this can easily be done without Datamapper, so why can't I with Datamapper?
Sure I could just do the following, but that seriously can't be healthy for the server with all these objects being created for each relation?

foreach($this->input->post('multiselect') as $key => $id)
    $t2 = new Table_2($id);

Note that the variable names are changed for simplicity.

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