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Ideas/Suggestions for indicating ajax call for Modal window via URL

My application has two views a skeleton and a content view, the content view will be loaded into the skeleton by default. I have links on my application that open up JQuery windows loaded only with the content view.
function profile($uid, $modal=null){

   #Get content here as $data


Then in my Javascript I have to append a bit of data to the end of the url to set modal.

This means I have to repeat all of this code for each potential modal window function.
I was wondering if there is a way of using pre-controller and post controller hooks to
check if the variable is set in the pre-controller hook, and in the post controller hook if the variable is set then output only the content, if its not set then put the output into the skeleton - so moving the if/else statement into the post controller.

not the same question, but maybe the answer will fit



Thanks for the reply - For some reason I get an error saying I can't perform the action when I click the link! Would you be able to post the topic heading so I can search for it?
Many thanks!

here :

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