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SQRT function does not exist - using it for postalcode proximity search


I am not sure what caused this problem because on localhost its working.

and even if I do
select SQRT(16);
on my server phpmuadmin SQL, it does work. But, the query that I execute from CI says,

A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1305

FUNCTION <mydatabase>.SQRT does not exist

SELECT DISTINCT geodb.postalcode FROM geodb WHERE ( 6367.41*SQRT ( 2* ( 1-cos (RADIANS(geodb.latitude)) *cos('1.0368209942311') *( sin (RADIANS(geodb.longitude)) *sin('0.3132031478148') +cos(RADIANS(geodb.longitude)) *cos('0.3132031478148') ) -sin(RADIANS(geodb.latitude)) *sin('1.0368209942311') ) ) <= '10' )

Instead of selecting <mydatabase>.SQRT it should select only SQRT because otherwise it gives error if I do

select <mydatabase>.SQRT(16);

Any hints on what might be causing it?


It maybe how CI escapes select strings. You haven't posted your exact code in CI, but something you could try is after you execute the query, on the next line add:
echo $this->db->last_query();

You maybe able to tell what query it is trying to execute exactly how CI is forming it. CI doesn't sometimes play nice when you have parenthesis in a query. If you notice it is adding backticks in weird spots try using
$this->db->query("complex query string");

[eluser]Burak Guzel[/eluser]
Probably caused by escaping.

Set the second parameter to false. Example:


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