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My routes aren't passing arguments

So I'm currently working on the file download script for a site. Files can be downloaded either by using: http://mysite/download/34 or http://mysite/download/project.pdf. That is the plan at least, these should be routed to files/getbyid and files/getbyname respectively but while I know that the right function is called no arguments are being passed to it.

$route['download/:num'] = "files/getbyid";
$route['download/:any'] = "files/getbyname";

class Files extends Controller {
    function getbyid($id = -1)
        if ($id = -1) {
            die("No file id specified");
        } else { echo $id; }
    function getbyname($file = "")
        if ($file = "") {
            die("No file name specified");
        } else { echo $file; }

With it setup like this I always get the die() message. I have been able to make it work using regex like so:

$route['download/([0-9]*)'] = "files/getbyid/$1";
$route['download/(.*)'] = "files/getbyname/$1";

However it was my understanding that these were synonymous. Have I misunderstood the user guide or is something wrong?

You have to use the regex if you want to pass things to the controllers. Just using the :num and :any is just a means of mapping one URL to another when you don't know what the first URL might be.

Thanks, I guess I made an assumption rather than misunderstood. Anyway, using regex it works beautifully.

$route['download/(:num)'] = "files/getbyid/$1";
$route['download/(:any)'] = "files/getbyname/$1";

also works

Ah, thanks alpar. I was hoping to find an elegant solution. I think I understand it now too.

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