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MyClientBase 0.8 Released!


You are correct - there are no models for the Dashboard module. Notice the difference there - model / module. What I suggested above was to have you change it from loading a *module* to a *model*, and then change the references in those other three lines to reflect that. There are no files missing, and the zip probably isn't corrupt. The reason I asked you to change those lines is because the Dashboard module is one of the only modules that explicitly uses ($this->load->module) and ($this->module->get) any more... which is sort of an oversight on my part, although it seems to work fine in 95% of situations (aka no bug reports or complaints in the official MCB forums).

Please do try and change those 4 lines and let me know if it seems to help.


Sorry, it would totally help if I actually read you post properly and didn't skim read it like a dumbass...d'oh.

It's all working now. It would appear that not every file copied over in the first place hence it couldn't find them.

Now I can really start to explore the code and see how you built it as that's what I'm really interested in.

Thanks again mate Smile


@arthur - Sweet! Glad it seems to be working for you now! Feel free to post in the MCB forums if you have any problems or ideas or suggestions, etc.

Been testing it for a minute and it looks great, just some observations:
- I wanted to add a price for an item, wrote $20, and it saved 0. Then I wrote 20 and it was saved correctly, so you need a validation there.
- I had no problems with the installation, but it would be easier if you add the database configuration part to the installer

Keep up the good work

@buso -

Thanks for the notes. I've been considering having the installer write the database config to the file, but here's the catch - either the user is directed to do it as it is now, which I think is rather straight forward, or the user must know how to set the config/database.php file as writeable, which *we* know how to do without any problems, but a lot of users might not... plus, they'd have to know to set the permissions back after it's done, etc. See where I'm going with that?

There are a lot of areas that do need validation set up, and I have those in my TODO list. Expect to see improvements there very soon!

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