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AlertPay IPN

Anyone know why AlertPay is not post IPN data to my IPN Handler? I have enabled IPN in my alertpay account...

I have also checked my Apache access logs and it shows that the IPN handler is being hit but nothing is passed to it.. - - [01/Sep/2010:15:54:48 -0500] "POST /payment/alertpay/ipn HTTP/1.1" 200 2028 "-" "-"

Anyone know what my problem could be? Thanks

check your firewall and it would be nice if you would post a bit of code. that part which is making the request

HI Mareshal,

I am actually using the IPN Simulator on AlertPay's website. That should in effect still make the request to my IPN page and post the required data.

This really depends on if it is using $__GET or $__POST

By default CodeIgniter will not use $__Get!

This has been answered for PayPal someplace on the forums.



[quote author="eokorie" date="1283400058"]Anyone know why AlertPay is not post IPN data to my IPN Handler? I have enabled IPN in my alertpay account...

I have also checked my Apache access logs and it shows that the IPN handler is being hit but nothing is passed to it.. - - [01/Sep/2010:15:54:48 -0500] "POST /payment/alertpay/ipn HTTP/1.1" 200 2028 "-" "-"

Anyone know what my problem could be? Thanks[/quote]

How do you know nothing is being passed? Why don't you log the $_SERVER['POST'] super global array and see what is coming through?

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