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Image uploading, storing file path while validating rest of form?

[eluser]Wonder Woman[/eluser]
I'm currently using a multiple image uploader and it works really well, however I have a form which asks for other details such as file name, etc and I have validation rules set up for these fields. This means that when you submit the form and error is thrown then you have to browse for the files again.

I was just wondering if there was a way I could store the file path so that if an error is thrown elsewhere on the form then the user doesn't have to look for the files again?


[eluser]Wonder Woman[/eluser]
I think I may have it - going to store the array in a session. If you can come up with any other ideas though, that would be great. Thanks

You can store the path in a session but you can't
set the chosen files automaticly in the input fields
as far as I know. Otherwise you could place hidden
input fields and upload files from the user pc without
let him know.

Or did I missunderstand what you menat?

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