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How is use of jQuery plugin validation to CodeIgniter?

Hello all
How is use of jQuery plugin validation to CodeIgniter?
Link jQuery plugin validation => http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jqu...alidation/

There is nothing special. I used it with CI. Just include it in your view file and use it Wink Don't forget to validate data with php when submit.

are you confident that this method works correctly?
Because I do not work

Yeah, for me it worked ok. What exactly does not work for you?

I use of demo marketo
Between the head tags put the following:
And according to the forms for the links
class = "required defaultInvalid url"
required for normal cases
class = "required"
But it does not work?


you have to add validation rules and submit handler there. For example:


     submitHandler:function(form) {


      rules: {
           input_name: {
              required: true,
              maxlength: 100
                   input_address: {
                required: true

Edit: and you need script tags.

I did not notice you mean?

my form:
<?= form_open('links/seeror'); ?>
    <br>&lt;input type ='text' name='title' maxlength='50' class="required" /&gt;&lt;/br>
    <br>&lt;input type ='text' name='ural' maxlength='50' class="required defaultInvalid url" dir ="ltr" /&gt;&lt;/br>
    <br>&lt;input type ='text' name='page_linkus' maxlength='50' class="required defaultInvalid url" dir ="ltr" /&gt;&lt;/br>
    <br>&lt;input type ='text' name='exposition' maxlength='50' class="required" /&gt;&lt;/br>
    <br>&lt;input type="submit" value="Submit" /&gt;

I don't understand what do you want to ask.

In your form one of the fields name is 'title' and it is required. So you can make a rule for it this way:

title: {
           required: true

I do this But it does not work

     submitHandler:function(form) {


      rules: {
           title: {
              required: true,              
           ural: {
              required: true,              
           page_linkus: {
              required: true,              
           exposition: {
              required: true,              

your form must have an id = "contactform"

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