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Can't get CI2 packages to load..

I've got a 'curl_demo' controller that makes a load call to a library 'curl_fetch'. Curl_Fetch has 2 dependency files, 'curl.php' & 'curl_result.php', located in /Application/third_party/curl/.

When I load the controller, CI generates an Error. Unable to load the requested class: curl

What's wrong with this picture?

The Controller:

class Curl_demo extends CI_Controller

function __construct()


Curl_Fetch Library constructor:

class Curl_Fetch
function __construct()
    $CI =& get_instance();


Okay well..

Had no choice but to create a folder in Application/Libraries/.

The add_package_path() isn't working for me. Thought it might have something to do with the way I was making the call ($CI vs. $this from within a controller) but after some testing it made no difference.

Strange... the syntax is right out of the UG.


[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
There are plenty of things that this could be.

Is your file:


Libraries are required to have a capitol letter so make sure you're doing that.

Just for the hell of it, I decided to test it out -

I created a class called 'Test.php' and placed it into /Application/third_party/

<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access');

class Test

public function __construct()
    echo "yes";


Then I created a controller called 'testing.php', and placed it in my controllers folder.

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access');

class Testing extends CI_Controller

function __construct()

public function index()
    echo "This is the controller";


Then I tried to load up the controller in a browser, by going to localhost/Test (for some odd reason 'localhost/test' didnt' resolve), and I got:

"An Error Was Encountered
Unable to load the requested class: test"

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Load in the same way but move your libraries into a "libraries" folder.


Otherwise, how would it know it's a library? Smile

Phil -

First off, thanks for the tip! It worked like a charm, but truthfully, I've come to expect that from Phil Sturgeon Smile

Now for the caveats:

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1292009005"]Load in the same way but move your libraries into a "libraries" folder.


Otherwise, how would it know it's a library? Smile[/quote]

Actually, that's not even a little intuitive. In fact, if anything, the manual is misleading. First off, it makes no mention at all of libraries having to be in a 'libraries' folder. if anything, the opposite is indicated!

Here's an excerpt right from the UG/Loader Class:

An application package allows for the easy distribution of complete sets of resources in a single directory, complete with its own libraries, models, helpers, config, and language files. It is recommended that these packages be placed in the application/third_party folder. Below is a sample map of an package directory

And here's a sample, showing very clearly that a 'library' is called, while no libraries folder is required:


Finally, any thought on my part that 'Library' might somehow actually mean LIBRARY and not a synonym for 'class' is altogether dispelled by the following:
Note: We use the terms "class" and "library" interchangeably.

While I know resources are thin nowadays, I think that documentation (especially of v2 features) is just as important to the user community as a sound code base.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Well ok, a library is a class and a class is what we call libraries, because they are classes. I pointed out that classes and libraries are a little different in another thread, but only in that a library is a class loaded through the $this->load->library() and can only accept an array as a constructor. Other than that they are the same thing.

As for the confusion in the documentation, is it that confusing?

"resources in a single directory, complete with its own libraries, models, helpers, config, and language files."

Right, so you pick a folder, then it has libraries/, helpers/, config, etc. It does exactly what it says on the tin Smile

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